Imagine a Day Without Water
Led by the Value of Water Campaign, hundreds of organizations across the country will host events and spearhead projects today aimed at raising awareness about the crucial need for investment in our nation’s water infrastructure.
An investment in our drinking water and wastewater systems is essential to our national health, safety, environment, and economic prosperity. After decades of underfunding, water infrastructure is aging and in need of investment. Drought, flooding, and population changes are stressing our water and wastewater systems. A single nationwide day without water service would put $43.5 billion of economic activity at risk. In just eight days, a national water service stoppage would put nearly two million jobs in jeopardy.
While many of these challenges are regionally-specific and will require locally-driven solutions, reinvestment in water must be a national priority. This year, Imagine a Day Without Water falls just weeks before the 2018 midterm elections. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 Senate seats, 36 gubernatorial races, and countless state legislature and local races are in play. As citizens go to the polls this fall to vote in the midterm elections, the next wave of lawmakers should make water a priority so no American has to live or imagine a day without water again.
“A lot of people like to say that we’re in the wastewater business, but I think of it differently. I think HUBER is in the business of resource recovery,” said Henk-Jan van Ettekoven, President of HUBER Technology, Inc, about the role of wastewater in the water industry. “By pioneering innovations in water treatment and recovery that require less energy, less manpower, and less maintenance, we’re in the business of giving customers, and the community, more.”
So join us on October 10th, 2018, in celebrating the people on the front lines who make clean water happen as we feature snapshots of our customers, projects, and our representatives who are essential to completing the water cycle, and protecting our most precious natural resource: water. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as we say a big thank you to our customers and contemporaries for their contribution to clean water’s cause. Read their stories and share their experiences on the road to better water infrastructure.