HUBER honors long-serving employees and bids farewell to retiring colleagues T .R. Gregg and Jennifer Covington
It was a great pleasure for HUBER Technology, Inc. President Henk-Jan van Ettekoven to honor Margaret Nicolson and Gary Wesselschmidt for 15 years of distinguished service with the company. Henk emphasized in particular that it was only the commitment of these and other long-standing employees that had enabled HUBER to grow from its beginnings as a small regional business to the nationally renowned brand it is today.
HUBER also extends a heartfelt thanks to John Lewis, James Byrnes, and Wolrad Henze for their diligence and commitment in over 10 years of service. HUBER would also like to honor 7 people for more than 5 years of service with the company: Scott Stamey, Josephine Chan, Hugh Barnes III, Sebastian Jaworski, Betty Proctor, Matthew Mastin, and Corey Donahue.
HUBER would also like to recognize the retirement of two key personnel, T.R. Gregg, the Director of Business Development and Marketing, and Jennifer Covington, the Manager of Human Resources. Serving since the earliest days of the company, both have made immeasurable contributions to the company, and will be well missed.
When asked about her retirement, Jen said, “Joining HUBER has been an amazing journey since I started in 2001 getting to build our dedicated work force; my HUBER US colleagues, as well as working with talented German colleagues & global HUBER GROUP family who have supported me to do that.
My mission has always been about the people, to find great employees, help them evolve once hired, and support our management staff to build the best place for them work. While HR has a focus to develop processes to achieve our goals, I have always strived to keep the heart in our company - no matter our size. With my planned 2019 retirement date, I share 18 years of gratitude for opportunities HUBER has provided me: being able to serve present and former staff, work with vendors who are true partners, and being able to share HUBER and our mission with area educators, businesses, and outreach leaders in the local community.”
Jen plans to spend some time catching up on writing + painting + travel + friends and family before deciding how days “beyond the desk” fill up in the next new year. She invites everyone to stay in touch through Linked- In anytime.
While also planning to enjoy his retirement, T.R. has his sights on continuing to serve HUBER and the wider industry in a consulting role. According to T.R., “I see Huber Technology on a strong growth curve. This is evidenced by the building of the new factory up the road in Denver, NC. I am proud of my contribution to bring it to this point. It is time for the hungry young professionals to take it to the next level. I will continue to serve as a support to Huber in a consultative role to assist in any way I can to assure the momentum continues."
T.R. can be reached at:
T.R. Gregg, Principal
TR Gregg Consulting LLC
PO Box 430, Philomath, OR. 97370
trtrgreggconsultingcom | 541-609-8835 |
The management and the entire HUBER team wishes the retirees all the best for the next phase of their lives and every success for everything that lies ahead.