Tradition - Innovation - Progress
More than 175 years of tradition present a commitment. Since 1834 the company is family-owned and it was in 1872 when Johann Huber married into this existing coppersmithy - since then the company is owned by the Huber family. From the very beginning, the company's activities are strongly related to both potable and waste water. As coppersmiths, HUBER manufactured containers and equipment for breweries and food suppliers. Systematically these skills and experiences were expanded and adapted to the particularly developing demands of the customer.
The usage of copper as the base material evolved into products made from stainless steel. Our machines and equipment for both potable and waste water were constantly modified according to the requirements of these sectors.
Tradition and progress, knowledge of the raw material and close relations with our customers led to the development of today's products. The HUBER company is located, as it has been since its beginning, in Berching, a town more than 1,100 years old in the center of Europe.